
Sunday, December 13, 2009


this is really good!! posted by my friend sam p!

darn.. never mind... it wouldn't let me copy or paste the story just go to sam's blog and read "my christmas poem"

1 comment:

  1. dats ok I'll jst put it here!

    by Sam P
    Twas the week before finals, and all through the school
    Every student was groaning ('Cuz final's aren't cool)
    Every person was huddled ,together for warmth
    Even some teachers though they wouldn't come forth

    My friend had the sheet and one other was reviewing
    We were hoping for snow, though none would be spewing
    The clouds up above, were as snow-free as ever
    Not even a flurry, not even a feather

    When all of a sudden, there arose such a noise
    I jumped in my place and landed on boys
    All around me I looked, my face in the air
    Till I found the source: it was right there.

    The bell, in it's place on the building up high
    Had rung, my eyes rolling and sighed
    When, what to my wondering brain should occur,
    All the teachers were cheering, school was over!

    With a glance to the sky, white flurries were falling
    I heard in the distance, hot chocolate was calling
    I opened my mouth, to catch a flake
    When some one was calling me, awake, awake!

    "Sam Petric! Sam Petric! Wake up this instant!
    You've slept through the finals! I'm quite hesitant
    To fail you my dear, as I should. I'm appalled!
    Now go study! Go away! Go away all!"

    Shlumped in the halls, I sat and I mourned
    My grade was dead. I need Queen Susan's horn.
    Extra credit won't help, I know that much
    Finals were my whole grade, I had a hunch.

    And then, in a moment, I had an idea
    I ran right outside, to find my ride home
    As I came to the car, it started to snow
    Again, white flakes fell from the sky

    Again I thought, Really??
    And I realized, I'm dreaming. I don't know why
    Else it would snow, in Texas, of places
    We never get snow, not like this, on our faces

    I pinched myself: How it hurt! Slapping:Hurt very!
    When I finished my arm looked just like a cherry!
    I cried to the skies, Why me?? Why?
    And the answer came clear, and I started to cry

    I sat on the frost covered ground, not caring
    Whether I got cold or not, it wasn't worth sharing
    Why I had fallen asleep in the test
    I had studied all night, wanting the best

    But for me, no one else,that's why sleep came
    Like a thief in the night, stealing my fame
    I wasn't well wishing, no "Hope you do good!"
    I had taken the chance, as quick as I could

    To get ahead, whether I should've or not
    It's no one's to judge whether I did right or wrong
    The clock in the hall chimed with a BONG!
    It started to snow, I WAS dreaming, all along!

    I woke up in my bed, all wrapped up and warm
    I prayed everyone would not cause any harm
    As I looked at the calendar, I noticed, with surprise
    It was over, all over, I'd passed. All Right!
