
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Debunkering Post

I have changed this post from "Christmas Carol Debunking" to "The Debunkering Post" I yam now spreading out to different things to debunkery! Unt now!
"A Christmas Poem" by Sam P.

Twas the night before finals, and all through the school,
Every student was groaning ('Cuz finals aren't cool),
Every person was huddled, together for warmth, (not me! i'm warm in my own happy place!)
Even some teachers, though they wouldn't come forth,

My Friend had the sheet and one other was reviewing,
We were hoping for snow, though none would be spewing,
The couds up aboce, were as snow-free as ever,
Not even a flurry, not even a feather, (not a flake, nor a rake!)

When all of a sudden, there arose such a noise,
I jumped in my place and landed on boys, (ouch...?)
All around me I looked, my face in the air, (and not on the ground?)
Till i found the source: it w as right there.

The bell, in it's place on the building up high,
Had rung, my eyes rolling and sighed, (your eyes can ROLL?!?!)
When, what to my wondering brain should occur, (my brain is ALWAYS wondering...)
All the teachers were cheering, school was over! (which is amazing considering school aint over until you finish ur finals)

With a glance to the sky, white flurries were falling, (hahaha! it's God's dandruff!! (no offence God))
I heard in the distance, hot chocolate was calling, (driiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiink meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!)
I opened my mouth, to catch a flake, (catch da dandruff!!)
When some one was calling me, awake, awake!

"Sam Petric! Sam Petrc! Wake up this instant!
You've slept through the finals! I'm quite hesitant, (eh.. if it was me.. i'd be failed)
To fail you my dear, as i should. I'm apalled! (reaaaaaaally...? you didn't notice the fact that there was one person SNORING?!)
Now go study! Go away! Go away all!" (i thot you were the only one there?)

Shlumped in the halls, I sat and i mourned, (what have you got against slumping?? why must you shlump?!?! what's wrong with slumping?!?!?!)
My grade was dead. I need Queen Susan's horn, (i don't think queen susan can help much with grades)
Extra credit won't help, i know that much,
Finals were my whole grade, i had a hunch. (it's not)

and then, in a moment, i had an idea, (what idea?)
i ran right outside, to find my ride home, (kinda anticlimatic)
as i came to the car, it started to snow, (again...?)
again white flakes fell from the sky, (DANDRUFF!!!!)

again i thought, really?? (yeah... cuz it's not supposed to snow)
and i realized, i'm dreaming. i don't know why (hate 2 burst ur bubble.. but u never realize ur dreaming in a dream)
why else it ould snow, in texas of places,
we never get snow, not like this, on our faces (it does too! it snowed yesterday!)

i pinched myself: how it hurt! Slapping: hurt very! (uh.....duh?)
When i finished, my arm looked just like a cherry! (and not a strawberry??)
i cried to the skies, why me?? why? (because)
and the answer came clear, and i started to cry (whas the anser?)

i sat on the frost covered ground, not caring, (what about the people in ur car?)
whether i got cold or not, it wasn't worth sharing, (who's sharing/caring? HAH i can rhyme too!)
why i had fallen asleep in the test
i had studied all night, wanting the best (which is PROBABLY why you fell asleep)

but for me no one else that's why sleep came
like a thief in the night, stealing my fame (u hav fame?)
i wasn't well withing no " hope you do good!"
i had taken the chance as quick as i could

to get ahead whether i should've or not
ut's no one's to judge whether i did right or wrong
the clock in the hall chimed with a BONG!
it started to snow, i WAS dreaming, all along! (again, you realize your in a dream and then you realize your in a dream again, and then you realize your in a poem?)

i woke up in my bed all wrapped up and warm
i prayed everyone would not cause any harm (ham to what?)
as i looked at the ca;amder, i noticed, with surprise
it was over, all over, i'd passed! all right! (and you didn't take the finals??)

ok..... i couldn't find too many problems..... she's a pretty good writer (and yes i got her permission to do this)
and i got sloppy at the end becauuse i had to type alll of this by hand.... if anyone knows how to copy and pace something now would be a good time to tell me because whatever i do DOESN'T WORK

invisi out!


  1. ok. hilight what u want to copy. right click. select copy. go to whatever u want to copy it to. right click. select paste. not that hard really.

  2. oh and btw DON'T CRITISIZE MY NEED FOR RHYME!!!!! (that's why some of it doesn't really make sense.....)
