
Monday, May 3, 2010


Sam! You should have come to Taekwondo today! Twas awesome! Remember the guy who ran into the window? Well, let's call him Window Pain. Window Pain has looong hair... which one of my friends recently discovered, is PERFECT to put pigtails in... it was interesting... especially since they used MY hair ties... so anyway... there was this poor guy, screaming in pain because he couldn't get MY hair ties out of his hair... and ended up looking like an Asian carrot for quite a while...

like this, except imagine a teenage Asian dude instead...
yeah... my friend wants to do this to him tomorrow....

At the end of the class period we played rabbit and fox, and monkey and leopard. What would happen, is the rabbit would hop around the room, while the fox would do a sort of bear crawl. On the other one, the monkey would do a rabbit hop, except, instead of hopping, they would swing their body side to side, and the leopard would do the same thing as the fox did.

Needless to say, I failed each time. The first time, I was the rabbit, and was eaten. The second time, I was the leopard, and the monkey got away...

After this, we played four square dodge ball! It's where they separate everyone into 4 different squares, armed them all with dodge balls, and threw them at each other. When you were hit with one, you would join their side, until everyone was on one side. My side won! Woot woot!

Later, at the end of class, code and nickel were there... they were harassing my friend, and I did a kick to them through the window, Nickel kicks back, then I do a jump kick towards his head (through the window). Nickel leaves, and then Code keeps trying to get my attention, I humor him and he's trying to talk to me through the window, which doesn't work by the way :). He's pointing and yelling behind me, and when I look where he's pointing, Nickel is sneaking up behind me, and he goes ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRR!!!! Which scared the stuffing out of me... o_O


  1. ha ha LOVE that face! it looks exactly like you!!!

  2. Scared the stuffing out of you! hahaha! This is funny...;) And so is the Asian carrot! :D
