
Monday, May 31, 2010

Shaved Bieber

Lay-dees and genteelmen, I now announce the end of all our problems: Shaved Bieber. This is a clever little tool that erases ALL mentions of Justin Bieber's name from the web. It is a downloadable version that even gives you the pleasure of going to his website and see every mention of his name erased. Shaved Bieber even deletes PHOTOS of the celebrity that are labled Justin Bieber, or Bieber. You can download it here!
Guess which Invisiperson will be downloading it now? The only problem.... will it affect my blog?

Justin-Bieber-less-Invisi, out!

Combustable Pants

Did you know that when you translate "Liar, liar, pants on fire." to french, and back again, it comes back as "Teller of untruths, your pants have combusted." ?

Friday, May 28, 2010

And the Woods of Brent close... my sentimental post

As I'm sure everyone knows by now, the halls of Brentwood are closing on me. Invisi is very very very very depressed as this was her favorite school.

At this school, I have found many good friends that I hope to keep for the rest of my life, and I pray that I will be able to keep in touch with them.

At this school, I have learned a lot. From Bible to Band, these things will stick with me for an eternity, and I hope to keep the best of memories of Brentwood.

At this school, I hope that I have created many lasting, life-long memories (of the good kind), and may always be able to look back on my moments and laugh.

To all my friends, this has been the best three years of my life.

Signed: Invisi (who actually started crying in the middle of this post and had to cut it short)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Please make Invisi happy

there are two things that would make invisi most happy right now, one would be to please do my poll, and another would be to please click the little button that says "comment" riiiiiiiiiiight there

Saturday, May 22, 2010

My Dad, Elmer Fudd

Today, my dad told me: "Hey! Let me show you something!" Seeing as how I had just gotten into an argument with him, I apprehensively followed him into our backyard. As we're walking, I see something in the grass, and I say: "Woah... that's kinda gross" my Dad asks "Huh?" and looks down. On the ground there's a bunny carcass, all bloody and dead and lying there.

Me: Did you run over it with your lawn mower?
(He had been mowing previously)
Dad: Apparently... AW! I DIDN'T KNOW I DID THAT! I didn't mean for you to see that! Aw! I must've run over it! *depressed look* the poor bunny... But here! (brightens up) This is their nest!

By now, I'm worried, maybe they're more dead bunnies. I lean over and look into the hole where he was pointing, see something furry, and walk away. I thought he had run over the whole nest of them, which I later learned, he hadn't.


Me: Mom!
Mom: Yeeees?
(by the way my mom had just cleaned out the refrigerator, and our aunt and uncle had dropped by for a visit)
Me: Have you seen my chocolate bunny?
Mom: Uh, no...
Me: Aw... It was good chocolate, and I can't find it! It melts at outside temperature, so I have to keep it in the refrigerator! I wrapped it in saran wrap and put it waaaay in the back behind the yogurt so no one would find it and put it in the meat bin again!

(To make a long story short, every time I put my chocolate in the refrigerator to keep cold, someone puts it in the meat bin! I don't know why, but they do! The last time they did it, they left it on a bunch of pepperoni and ribs, so when I ate the meat-chocolate, it smelled and tasted like pepperoni! Not all the way through, but enough so you taste it when you eat it... It was disgusting.)

Mom:. wouldn't happen to be wedge shaped, would it?
Me: MOM!
Mom: Uh oh...

Later on, I learned that she accidentally threw it away because she couldn't figure out what it was, and she thought that it was really really really old, because it was in the back of our refrigerator. So much for hiding my solid chocolate bunny from the meat bin.

(Dad walks in)

Me: DAD!!! Mom threw away my chocolate bunny!
Dad: Don't TALK to me about bunnies!

(walks into his bedroom to go take a shower)

Uncle (who had been enlightened to what happened with the lawn mower): Probably just going to go get that bunny blood washed off of him...

At one point my Uncle called my dad Elmer Fudd, and said: Shh.... be vewy vewy quiet! I'm hunting WABBITS!

And so my Dad was the butt of our jokes for pretty much the whole day. At one point my brother put on one of those clown noses and started to juggle Easter Eggs, but that's another story...

Much much later,

We had just gotten home from dinner with my aunt and uncle, and we're standing around in our driveway talking to them. At one point I go:

Me: Dad, you have some red stuff on the back of your t-shirt.
Uncle: It must be bunny blood!
Brother (goes around and inspects the back of my dad's t-shirt): It is bunny blood!
Dad: I'm a bunny murderer, I'll never live it down (insert pout here)
Aunt: You'll be standing at the pearly gates and you'll look down and, (makes rabbit impersonation), it'll be waiting for you, staring...
Me: YEAH! It and all the caterpillars! (for those of you who do not know, look two posts down.)
Uncle: No, what'll happen is, St. Peter will lean down and ask them, THAT'S the one? You're going to caterpillar hell young man!

This continues for a while until:

Dad: I'm going to go get the bunny blood off of my t-shirt.
Uncle: Good-bye Elmer Fudd!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

have you LOLed today? just for twilightlover

picture credit to: Sukia Sohma

painted churches and caterpillar carnage

So we spent this weekend in Schuenberg? (I think that's how you spell it...?) and toured the city looking at the painted churches, which were, in fact, painted... I thought they would have murals on the walls of the churches, but instead the insides were painted. Some of them looked like huuuuuuuuge cathedrals, until you noticed that it was all an illusion... Invisi didn't notice that it was an illusion until somebody pointed it out...
After this, we went to DQ to get some food, and I look out the window and see a shiny red van with one of those hula dancer bobbleheads in it. I think, "Wow... Haven't seen one of THOSE in a while." and then, the owner of the car walks in... I glance at him, look away, then freeze. This is the conversation that went on in my head:
me: Does he have what I THINK he has in his back pocket? *glance* HE DOOOOOOEEEEEESSS!!!!!!! *mwaaaaaa-haaaaaaaaaa-haaaaa!!!!!*

Now, seeing as you might be wondering what he had in his pants pocket, let me tell you, it was... none other... than a stuffed panda bear... My dad told me that it was one of the many plays in the international Guy's Rulebook On How To Get Girls To Talk To You. (not an actual book, by the way) Apparently, he thought that by having a panda bear in his back pocket he would get girls to talk to him about the panda in his jeans... To me, he looked like a sissy with a panda bear trying to get air. What was funny, though, was when he went to go to bathroom ( i couldn't help seeing since the bathroom door was right across from me >_< ), the bathroom door closes, and the panda bear gets stuck in it...

note: if you like caterpillars, please don't read the rest of this post....I warned you....

The next day, today, we drove home, on the way we passed through La Grange, my family took the scenic rout, and apparently, caterpillars THRIVED there... On TOP of that, they all decided "Hey! Let's all cross the road in front of Invisi's car!" So we'll be driving, and here's what happened...:
dad: *squish* Too late!
brother: ahahahahahaha! It left a SPLAT! ahahahahahaha!
invisi: KEEP GOING KEEP GOING! Ahhhh! 'Nother caterpillar!
dad: did i hit him? Did I hit him?
bro: Yep!
invisi: HAHAHAHAHAHA! OH! There's another one! And another one!
dad: Whee! *squish* Whee! *squish* Oop! There goes another one! *squish*

and so on, and so forth... my mom was mad at us for killing all the little caterpillars, at one point, we stopped, got out of the car, looked at a caterpillar, got back in the car, and drove over all his little friends... :) :) :) :)

Invisi did feel slightly sad for all the death caused on the road at La Grange... but it was funny nonetheless....

Thursday, May 13, 2010

AAAAgggggggggghhh! Bandaiditis!

my poor thumb has bandaiditis thanks to a CERTAIN little seventh grader. I was holding a trashcan that i was supposed to clean out and that CERTAIN little seventh grader decided that he needed the trashcan, stole it from me, and caused severe pain and bleeding to my nail bed... therefore... i cannot play piano, or do taekwondo.... HOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!

the only problem is that 1, it HURTS, and 2, i now have a severe case of bandaiditis, which, for those of you who do not know, is when you have a bandaid on for too long and your skin turns white... ist creeeeeeeeepy!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Taekwondo 2

My friend failed. She chased Window Pain around and around and around and around the Taekwondo room to try to put pigtails in his hair... might I add that Window Pain is very athletic? He dodged and ran like a madman to get away from her hair ties. It was interesting. He basically juked her the whole class period, and what was really, really, funny, was the fact that they ended up being partners for most of the class... It didn't help though, he still managed to dodge her... sigh... it'll be a while till we see another Asian Carrot...

Monday, May 3, 2010


Sam! You should have come to Taekwondo today! Twas awesome! Remember the guy who ran into the window? Well, let's call him Window Pain. Window Pain has looong hair... which one of my friends recently discovered, is PERFECT to put pigtails in... it was interesting... especially since they used MY hair ties... so anyway... there was this poor guy, screaming in pain because he couldn't get MY hair ties out of his hair... and ended up looking like an Asian carrot for quite a while...

like this, except imagine a teenage Asian dude instead...
yeah... my friend wants to do this to him tomorrow....

At the end of the class period we played rabbit and fox, and monkey and leopard. What would happen, is the rabbit would hop around the room, while the fox would do a sort of bear crawl. On the other one, the monkey would do a rabbit hop, except, instead of hopping, they would swing their body side to side, and the leopard would do the same thing as the fox did.

Needless to say, I failed each time. The first time, I was the rabbit, and was eaten. The second time, I was the leopard, and the monkey got away...

After this, we played four square dodge ball! It's where they separate everyone into 4 different squares, armed them all with dodge balls, and threw them at each other. When you were hit with one, you would join their side, until everyone was on one side. My side won! Woot woot!

Later, at the end of class, code and nickel were there... they were harassing my friend, and I did a kick to them through the window, Nickel kicks back, then I do a jump kick towards his head (through the window). Nickel leaves, and then Code keeps trying to get my attention, I humor him and he's trying to talk to me through the window, which doesn't work by the way :). He's pointing and yelling behind me, and when I look where he's pointing, Nickel is sneaking up behind me, and he goes ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRR!!!! Which scared the stuffing out of me... o_O

Justin Bieber

This is a conversation between me and my dad about Justin Bieber.

Me (after introducing my dad to his "music"): So..... do you like Justin Bieber?
Dad: NO WAAAAAY! Whenever I hear him, it makes me want to scream and run away!
Mom: I haven't heard him yet...
Me: Dad? Should we enlighten her?
Dad: It's not so much enlightening as it is it's own special type of torture.
Dad: If i had to hear him I'd run away screaming and holding my ears... (There would) Probably be blood pouring out between my fingers.
Me: !!! *cackle*

High Jump

These are pictures of my first try at the high jump, photo credit to Sam.
And as you can see, my feet hit the rope EVERY SINGLE TIME (grah!).
I also did not realize that the high jump used stomach muscles....until I woke up the next morning...owie.