
Friday, June 18, 2010


Have you ever been to the website MLIA? It stands for my life is average, here are some exerpts from the website! :

Today, I ate a fortune cookie that read "Look for the dream that keeps coming back. It is your destiny." Lately I've been dreaming of being hunted down by murderers. I'm kind of nervous now. MLIA.

My 5 year old excitedly told me "I CAN READ MY OWN MIND!!" She was serious. I have high hopes for her! MLIA

Today my mom was watching soap operas. I walked by as some random chick came on and I whispered, "Who's that?" The lady on tv whispered back, "Cassie." I said thanks, and walked away. MLIA

Today i realized that i have never been to walmart, never had a tootsie pop, never eaten lucky charms, never even seen a dime or a quarter. But then it hit me. Im british. MLIA

Last night, I slept with both socks on. This morning, I woke up with only one sock on one of my feet. I looked everywhere for it and found it in my fish tank. I really want to know what happened last night. MLIA.

Today, I was searching up a question on google of why a series came with 3d glasses. I typed in "Why does se" and one of the suggestions was, "Why does seaworld have a seafood restaurant?" You know, google, that's a great question. MLIA

Today, I learned that typing <(") in face book chat makes it come out as a penguin. I then spent my time attacking my friends with hordes of penguin armies. MLIA

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Today my six year-old sister called me "pitiful". Wondering if she even knew what that meant, I asked her the definition of pitiful. What was her answer? Pretty and beautiful. ...I know how i'm going to compliment people from now on. MLIA.

Today, I started singing 'Snape, Snape, Severus Snape' at musical rehearsal. Another 5 people joined me and we sang the whole Mysterious Ticking Noise. After we'd finished, we heard the teachers singing along as well. MLIA

Today, I was reminiscing about the good old days when I remembered my childhood fear and started laughing. Monsters? Crocodiles? Dragons? Spiders? Snakes? Nope. Cows. I was a special child. MLIA

Today, my dad told me that Sponges actually eat starfish. I cant look at Spongebob the same now. MLIA

Today, I found out about a Where's Waldo app for the iPhone. I searched for it on the app store for half an hour, I could not find it. Well played Waldo, well played. MLIA

Today I googled dying. The first result was, "Dying for beginners". I wondered how you could not be a beginner at dying. MLIA

Today, while at a resturant with my family, my little sister asked my mom for some money to get a Hannah Montana sticker. I was deeply disappointed in her until she got the sticker, put it on the bottom of her shoe, and said "Now I can step on her face alllll day long!" I have never more proud of her. MLIA.

Today, I was supposed to be doing my homework, but I was on MLIA. I laughed, and my mum asked what was so funny. I quickly closed MLIA and it was on my assignment research about Japanese whaling. There was a picture of a whale with a harpoon through it's back. She now thinks I'm a psychopath. MLIA

that one's my favorite :)

Today I went to the bathroom and thought " Who keeps using the last pieces of toilet paper?!" Then I realized I live by myself. MLIA

Today, I was staying at a hotel. I needed to take my incredibly heavy suitcase up to my room, so naturally I took the elevator. I got into the elevator, which was crowded with a LOT of people. I then proceeded to zip part of my suitcase open and whisper "Don't worry buddy, we're almost to the room. Ya got enough air in there??" The looks i got were priceless. Pretty much everyone in the elevator got out on the next floor, and now at least 15 people think i'm insane. It was soooo worth it. MLIA

Yesterday, my friend said something to me and my brain imediately translated it to "munch munch munch munch". I still don't know what she said but I'm okay with that. MLIA


Today, a package was received at my work. The package was adressed to Sam Iam. Dr.Suess will live on forever! MLIA

And so on, and so forth.. I could go on for HOURS.... :) tata!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Nuther poem!

My mind tends to randomly come up with poems, this one happened when I was folding my laundry....


A cascading torrent of imagination,
A bothersome way of feeling,
Crosses from my world to yours,
From the thoughts of one,
To the eyes of another,
Willfully bring images,
Shutting out a world of worries,
And wandering through the paths of bliss.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Mai poems

Here are the poems that I submitted to my (old) school's literary magazine. They both made it in.

A Writer's Saga

The battle cries heard,
From the depths of the pages,
Still resonate on,
Throughout all the ages.

The towering spire,
That rises still higher,
Rules on the brink,
Of paper and ink.

The bellowing roar,
Of a great war,
Voices lent,
From minds well spent.

A path well ridden,
Of words well written,
The saga still strong,
Though the writer's long gone.

They dance and curve,
Those flowing words,
As black as night,
On sheets pale white.

I Can't Write a Poem

Of all the things I cannot do,
Poems are the worst, it's true!
The rhyming creations,
Can give me hallucinations,
But even that is not the worst,
It's when I try to make a verse,
It's quite a pain,
And hurts my brain,
To make a poem rhyme.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

A poem that sprang to mind

This is a poem that came into being after writing a comment on Skandar's post: Tomorrow. After I wrote the comment, I felt the overwhelming urge to sit down and write a poem about it, and here it is:

A New Era

Sighing, sobbing
Weeping, wanting,
Good bye, normality,
Hello, new era of different.

Innocence lost,
Knowledge gained,
Good-bye, normality,
Hello, new era of different.

Changing, leaping,
Jumping, flying,
Good-bye, normality,
Hello, new era of different

Feet first,
Splash down,
Good-bye, normality,
Hello, new era of different

Walking, wandering,
Tripping, falling,
Good-bye, normality,
Hello, new era of different.

Picture perfect,
Burning up,
Good-bye, normality,
Hello, new era of different.

Loving, living,
Losing, giving,
Good-bye, normality,
Hello, new era of different.

Laughter echos,
Gone forever,
Good-bye, normality,
Hello, new era of different.

A sad poem, I realize, and different, too than what I normally write. But not too bad...

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

goo-bye my first poll! ratings and the winner.

To all of whom voted, and all of whom I forced to vote out there, you can tell the winner of my poll is most definately My Dad, Elmer Fudd, with a whopping 6 votes. This may sound small, but all the other options got zero, zip, nada, goose eggs, NUTHIN. And so.... we have a hands down winner!