
Sunday, July 25, 2010

Yay! Hit counters!

As you can tell, above my blog archive lies a hit counter, which is meant to count how many people have clicked on my blog! The reason Invisi is getting all exited about a lil ol hit counter is because she happens to be rather technologically inept... T_T  So this is a big step for me! I also realize, that though I don't get many regular readers, I can amuse myself with clicking on my blog multiple times and watching the numbers go up! (Just kidding) Seriously though, I just want to see how much traffic my blog gets...

Eesh... I can't believe I just wrote a whole post about a hit counter...
Poor Invisi... gettin' all exited over a bunch 'o numbers.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Greetings People Around the World! episode 2

I'm going to make my Greetings post into something I'll update regularly! So, today, I welcome the Indians and Canadians who read my blog!

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


We went hiking with the cousins one day of our vacation. It was pretty funny because I forgot to put on sunscreen and had a bunch of bracelets on my hand.... and, well you can see where this is going. I now have a non-tanned stripe of skin on my arm.It was a really windy hike up the mountain, I kept getting blown over and falling down! :)
Note: Don't wear converse when hiking... It's soles don't give you very much grip.

Here are some pictures that I took:

A few days later we went to our cousin's place to spend the night. I have a question for you: Have you ever tried playing tennis in your flip flops? Don't. It's no fun having 90 mph tennis balls shooting towards your poor, vulnerable, defenseless toes.


The next day me and my family went hiking at the BE-autiful Manoa Falls, which is officially the muddiest place I have ever been. I had mud splatters up to my waist.... T'WAS AWESOME!!! Here are some of the (many) pictures that we took:

As you can see, 'tis quite pretty!


Later, my family and I went to a swap meet to look for souvenirs. I saw a black jade bracelet that I liked, but didn't want to buy. It was 88 dollars. Just a tad bit too expensive for little Invisi... But the salesperson INSISTED that I buy it.... She was trying to force it on me, and kept on haggling... here's what it sounded like:

Saleslady: You like?
Invisi: Yeah... It's pretty! *hands bracelet back*
Saleslady: Only 88 dollar! *gives bracelet back*
Invisi: No, it's okay, I don't have that kind of money. *gives bracelet back*
Saleslady: I give you whole sale price! 50 dollar! (the lady is Vietnamese, by the way, with a heavy accent)
Invisi: N-no, it's okay, I don't want it! *backs away*
Saleslady: I give you CHEAP! 40 dollar!
Invisi: NO THANK YOU, I DON'T WANT IT! *backs away farther*

By now, the second salesperson had joined, and they were both yelling prices at me.

Salesperson #1: 33 DOLLAR!
Invisi: No thanks!
Salesperson #2: 30 DOLLAR!
Invisi: I DON'T WANT IT!
Salesperson #1: 25 DOLLAR!
Salesperson #2: 20 DOLLAR!

This goes on for a while, until the formerly 88 dollar bracelet becomes 15 dollars... I didn't buy it though, I had run from that store as fast as I could. I could still hear them shouting out prices behind me.

Since our hotel was on Waikiki Beach, I was able to go walking along the store front at night. Invisi has discovered that she finds drunk people VERY amusing! As I passed one group of friends, I noticed an unusual thing- that they appeared to be singing. What's unusual about that, you ask? The fact that they were singing into each other's t-shirts in an attempt to get them to light up. The sad thing was, it worked. I saw other drunk people doing stupid things... Such as riding an escalator... The wrong way.

While we were wandering along the storefront, I saw someone drawing caricatures of people, and I stopped to watch. Of course, my family stopped with me. We watched the artist for a little while longer, and when we turned around we found that a crowd had gathered around the formerly empty caricature artist. The reason for the crowd? They were all Japanese. Why is this important? Hawaii gets many Japanese tourists, and it seemed as if they all were at Waikiki Beach, at the same time. Now, the Japanese aren't known for being tall, but my dad IS. What I think happened, is that a majority of them stopped to see what the big man was looking at, and other people stopped to see what the other people were looking at, and by the time I turned around, I had to force myself to get out of ALL THE TINY JAPANESE PEOPLE. (sorry, i don't feel like i explained the reason for the crowd very well...oh well... :P)


The day we left, we went to go to Pali Lookout. It's really pretty up there, but really windy. I'm not exaggerating, but there were hurricane force winds there. It must have been hitting 80-90 mph. Again... I'M NOT EXAGGERATING!! It must have been hitting that high, because when I jumped straight up into the air, I got pushed back a couple of feet... I'll try to upload a video later. It was officially the coolest experience in my life. The reason for all the wind was because the breezes from the sea and city were coming in, hitting the mountains, and channeling STRAIGHT INTO PALI LOOKOUT. I was being blown everywhere. To be able to move at all, you had to lean almost vertically into the wind.

Note: NEVER, EVER wear a skirt or a loose shirt to Pali Lookout. I got flashed one to many times by some stylish girl wearing a skirt.

To give you a glimpse into how windy it was here's a picture of me at one of the LESS windy places:

That's my vacation, in a nutshell. Sorry if I made it boring!

Thanks to my dad for all these wonderful pictures! They all belong to him, so please, don't copy or use them without my permission.

Update: Finally uploaded a video of me and my family at Pali Lookout

click here to see the video

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Greetings people around the world!

I have recently discovered the "Stats" button on my blog. It tells how much traffic I get on my blog, different countries where people read my blog, which posts get the most views, etc. I was pleased to see that in the last week, forty-something people from America got on my blog, one person from Japan, and one person from Singapore... Unfortunately, I don't think they stayed long... But, HELLO TO ALL THE PEOPLES OF THE WORLD!

This has been an Invisi

Thursday, July 8, 2010


Ever feel depressed when bad news comes?
Push button in dire situations.  I've used this many times!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Vacation and Hawaii poems

Well... It's been a while, hasn't it? If you're wondering why, it's 'cos I've been in Hawaii for the past 10 days. I was on vacation, visiting my relatives and stuff like that. I have so much to talk about.... get ready :)

Here are some poems that I wrote, they haven't really been edited yet, so they're still raw....

On a connecting flight out of the Big Island of Hawaii:


Good bye ocean, though I regret,
Not dipping a toe,
In your aquamarine waters,
From the sky I look,
Way down at the bleak, slate green sea,
And shiver.

Walking on the Waikiki Beach at night:

Immortal Sands

We leave our tracks,
On a still, yet distant forever,
Knowing that some will wash away,
Like sands by an ocean,
Only to be rewritten by another,
As a good story told again, and again.

Some will stay and be immortalized,
Like footprints on the moon,
A landmark to others,
A goal to be reached, and passed,
Sometime in the distant forever.

Looking at a Banyan tree. If you don't know what it looks like, here's a picture of a Banyan tree in Waikiki:

The roots hang from the branches, and when they reach the ground they enter it and grow bigger and stronger, so that they almost become mini tree trunks. The reason I like the Banyan tree so much is because the roots hang from the tree, then become the supporting force behind it. I could talk a lot more about it... but that's not the point of this post :). Here's the poem:

The Banyan Tree

The Banyan tree,
Reaches down,
To pierce the solid ground,
With it's quavering roots,
That sway in the wind,
And become,
An immovable element,
Solid in the earth.

There were more poems.... But they're not done yet.... ehheh.... *sweat*