
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

DC trip, part 1

here is a more in depth post about my dc trip, i shalt be doing it in parts, because i have to go to bed!
We fly to baltimore, and me and sam end up sitting next to a guy on the plane, now i KNOW you may be thinking "man! i just read this on sam's blog!" but nooooooooooo you haven't heard INVISI'S side of the story!

sooo.... invisi shoves sam into the seat next to the dude ( i thot, sit next to the grouchy old guy that will probably be mad at us for talking, or sit next to the moody teenager that would probably just sulk, i chose the teenager (turns out he wasn't moody AT ALL)) and we take off from the airport. me and sam talk for most of the flight and for most of the flight the dude was laughing at me.... mostly because i was doing things that people would laugh at. like, forgetting to latch my in-flight tray, and bending down to grab my bag. unlike MOST trays, which stayed up without latching, mine didn't. noooooo.... see invisi didn't know this, so, she puts it up, bends down to get something, and BWAM! the tray smites invisi in the back of the head! i'm like ooooooww!!! and the dude and sam are laughing their heads off at me, while i look slightly dazed and stupid (while holding my head, of course)
and then later, invisi decides that she needs something from her bag again, so she puts her tray up, leans down, realizes that it's unlatched, and snaps her head back up to miss the falling demon tray, but is too late, and invisi, who's half way up finds a tray slammed down on the bridge of my nose, which hurts considerably more than the back of my head! so now, sam and the dude are rolling, while i'm slightly cross-eyed and in a considerable amount of pain...

Speaking of the dude, i didn't realize how much TAAAAAAALLER he was than me. it was when we were standing in line at the plane, and i see somebody, and i look up, and uup, and UP! and he looks down, and down, and considerably farther down, to me. in other words, he's quite tall, and my dad's six foot six, so seeing this height on a fourteen year old kid is pretty impressive... sam finally recognized how tall he was AFTER he stood up and banged his head on the roof of our seating cabin. Turns out, he was six-one... and he was from austin (same as us), and he was our age (8th grade), and he was going to baltimore (same as us), i DIDN'T actually get around to learning his name.... WHICH I AM STILL MAD ABOUT! (see... invisi likes knowing people's names, so she doesn't have to refer to them as "that dude", or "him", or something else.

BUT! before that! we landed in baltimore. so the pilot says "welcome to baltimore", and i break out into a musical (hairspray, to be exact), and i sing "Good morning, Baaaaaaaaltimoooooooooooooore!!! and throw out my arms for empathis. apparently, it was loud enough that my classmates in the veeery back of the plane heard me, and recognized my voice.... so MOST OF THE PLANE HEARD ME SING HAIRSPRAY! grah! on the plus side, i was given the privelage of seeing somebody try his hardest not to burst into laughter... yep... the dude... sam, on the other hand, burst out into laughter... and THAT concludes my plane trip to baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaltimooooooooooooooooooooooooooore!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. didnt we decide his name was brandon or something? didnt he look like a brandon?
