
Saturday, April 17, 2010

Blood Types!

Apparently the Japanese are obsessed with bloodtypes like
O, B, AB, A...

here are the types:

Type O: Type O's are very outgoing, social, and don't always finish things that they start. Creative and popular, they are always the center of attention and appear to be self-confident. (i'm type O!)
Type A: While outwardly calm, they are balls of nerves on the inside. The perfectionists, they are the most creative.
Type B: Goal oriented, strong minded, once they start something, they see it through till the end. These people are independent, more than the others.
Type AB: Split personalities, their outgoing and shy, confident and timid. They're trustworthy and like to help others, if you install responsibility in them, they'll handle it, while too much may be a problem.


  1. no... as in... actual blood types, as in, if i was in a car crash, they'd give me O blood... not just my personality.

    In Japan, everyone know's their blood type, and judge people on it. People have been known to be turned away from jobs for the type of blood they have. If you write on a resume that you are the blood type A, they might not hire you, etc.

  2. Yes, I KNOW, geez! ;) I'm actually AB, though, really. :D
