
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

please....don't kill me...

I AM BACK (temporarily at least). Sorry for not posting a month. Invisi has been suffering from lazybuttitis. Yeah, no I haven't. I would love to say that it's because my Internet has been down, my modem has crashed, my computer has broken, I've been sick, and school work has been stopping me from posting; but that would be a lie. All of the above DID happen, just none of it was severe enough to stop me from posting. The only reason I haven't been posting is because I've been to lazy to write. *sweatdrop*

Hum, I am now finished with my tearful apology, SO LET THE REAL POST BEGIN! *fanfare*

Darn my mom. She got this song stuck in my head. I'm sorry if you hate me forever. But don't blame me, blame my mom. >.> This song really is horrifying, unless you're three. Then you might love it.

NOW! Because I might have killed you, let me do an awesome song to bring you back to life! This next one is by Karnivool, an Australian band.

Unfortunately, my phone has broken. It has broken because Invisi is not known for being good with phones....among other things.

Here's an example (or so):
I have accidentally downloaded four Trojans onto our (my family's) computers in the last 6 months. Twice on our home computer, once on my mom's work computer (her superiors had to wipe the hard drive because it was so far gone...), and one on my dad's computer. (I was just standing there, and WE GET HIT BY A TROJAN! Technology hates me.... *sob*) On TOP of all that. I accidentally flood the upstairs portion of our house.

This is what happens:
One day, I flush the upstairs toilet. When it starts flushing reeeeeeally slowly, I flush it again. Then it didn't flush so much as FLOOD. I couldn't find the plunger. You can imagine the pandemonium that ensued..... Don't worry though, the water was clean.
Ehheh, for some strange reason, the above paragraph was embarrassing to write.

ALSO! Our TV has broken. The TV still works, but unless you're fond of seeing blue smurf-like people, I wouldn't recommend watching it. Here's the dealy-bob: red=blue, blue=green, green=red, yellow=purple, purple=muddy brown-ish. It's gotten so bad that I'll look outside and think that the grass is really blue. Here's a picture. The actual color of the screen should be blue, which you can see around the edges.

The screen is pretty durn pretty innit? I have a question for smart people out there: Why is my television screen doing this?

Back to the phone! Here is a helpful tip to everyone in cyberspace! DON'T DROP YOUR PHONES. I did, and now it is dead. *sad face* I mourned the loss of my phone, and then set about trying to find a new one. I had to go to eBay to find a new phone (my dad won't let me buy another phone with a contract because I might kill it before the contract expires...again). I spent a couple hours surfing eBay for a new phone before my brain exploded. Much like this:

If you didn't already guess, I made this picture as well. Not the explosion, the words. After my brain exploded, I decided to give up on my quest for phones and buy a new phone of my old phone. Did that make sense? I just bought the same exact model that I already had. Many people thought I was an idiot for not upgrading but it's simpler to not fuss about it.

Here's another phone story, it starts the day after I break my phone. Here's a quick note to begin: my phone is not completely broken, it still works (to a certain extent). Both screens (my phone is a flip) will randomly flash blue and red, and not all of the buttons on the phone work all the time. Anyways, I put my phone in my pocket before I eat dinner. Somehow in the process of me eating dinner, my pocket dials 911 FOUR times. 911 was pretty ticked off. After they called me to make sure I wasn't dying from some horrible accident, they made me spell out my first and last name. My name is now in the records somewhere. Wonderful. I'm just going to remind you quickly that I did not dial 911 on purpose. What really happened is my pocket dialled 1-1-2-call button, or 1-1-2-soft key, OR 1-1-2-enter. On my phone there are many different ways to dial emergency and it doesn't matter whether or not my phone is locked. Here in America, most phones will redirect you to 911 if you call 112. *sighs* I guess this was inevitable. I only hope that I don't start dying from some horrible accident and end up like a modern retelling of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf".
