Friday, February 26, 2010
Thank heavens for my bro! If I didnt have him around.... No one would be there to cheer me up, or nearly drive me to the point of insanity! XD
definately my favorite!
you know how people put things into astericks? like: *sigh* or *cries* or *laugh* or something? well.... THIS! is my favorite one!

umm.... so yeah, i have a fail sticker right now... I just saw it when i was leaving piano class! it was a sticker that someone had written FAIL on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
happy failure!
happy failure!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
It is snoqing now... Icsnt feelmy hands, itr makes .it.jhardb2 trype!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
i yam happy to say that my essay is finally done! it's pretty good for something i finished in under an hour..... *sweat* i'm such a procrastinator *sweat* o well.... congrats on the play again to sam and jammin and...and...and...everyone else!
Have you fed the invisfeesh today? well, HAVE YOU? it's easy, just click on their tank, and watch the food DISAPPEAR!
invisi out!
invisi out!
Saturday, February 20, 2010
see? i was going to post something funny.... but now i can't remember it.... oh well
GO TEAM USA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOT!
GO TEAM USA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOT!
Friday, February 19, 2010
Kleenex is sooooooo prouded of her friends sam an jammin! An evrione else hu was in the plays! Ne1 hu cs them, give em a pat on da back!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Note: still busy cracking up over "tokeyeo"......
I just saw something furry and white stuck poking out of someone's locker... It was a scarf (thank goodness). BUT IT LOOKED JUST LIKE AN EAR ON AN ANIMAL!
I get weird stares when I walk down the hall with my textbooks on my head
I found a flattened frog at the bottom of my locker...
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
WOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! SHAUN WHITE GOT GOOOOOOLD!!!!! *jumps around screaming like a maniac* I am so happy! *sniff* ^=^
I like the South Korean anthem, except when it's being played at the Olympics....and that goes for all anthems excepting "The Star Spangled Banner"
Corn nuts and chocolate covered craisins.... What more could a girl ask for?
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
hopefully you are reading this! *waves*
hopefully you are reading this! *waves*
Sunday, February 14, 2010
0 days until valentine's day! Wait! *calculates* that means that..... TODAY IS VALENTINE'S!?!?!?!?!?!
Saturday, February 13, 2010
James Marsden
Yeah, Skandar? Remember how we couldn't figure out who the heck that dude was in the preview? And we were both beating us up over it cuz we knew he was really famous? Yeah, well i FINALLY remembered (shame on me for remembering so late!).
I told my brother that I wil have him inhale helium before the end of this weekend, an he asks if it was a threat (gives me a wary look)
I want to hear sam's an skandar's bro's voices w. Helium!
Friday, February 12, 2010
OK, i'll admit it.... invisi was impressed by percy jackson and the olympians. it wasn't that close to the original storyline and they didn't cast the characters too good, but then again, what book to movie isn't? there's always SOME problem... but the new storyline was pretty decent! i'm not even sure there's a whole lot new about it even, since it's been like 2 years since i read the book... so i yam trying to watch each book to movie movie with a pinch of salt!
speaking of book to movies, they are making DIARY OF A WIMPY KID into a movie.... i am HONESTLY not surprised AT ALL..... ok.... maybe a little.....
what i AM surprised at is the fact that they are REMAKING KARATE KID!!!!!!! WHAT'S UP WITH THAT?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?! karate kid is a classic! you don't remake the classics! it's like, remaking casablanca! or gone with the wind! you JUST DON'T DO IT!!!!
and speaking of classics, they are remaking one of my favorite comic strips into a movie!!!! garfield's one thing, but MARMADUKE?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!? what the HECK?????? it looks ok.... i guess..... but i'm not too fond of it so far, because
1)marmaduke was never a teenager
2) marmaduke NEVER TALKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3) go check marmaduke (the comic, not the movie) out! GO MY GERBILS! GO! GO! GOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
speaking of book to movies, they are making DIARY OF A WIMPY KID into a movie.... i am HONESTLY not surprised AT ALL..... ok.... maybe a little.....
what i AM surprised at is the fact that they are REMAKING KARATE KID!!!!!!! WHAT'S UP WITH THAT?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?! karate kid is a classic! you don't remake the classics! it's like, remaking casablanca! or gone with the wind! you JUST DON'T DO IT!!!!
and speaking of classics, they are remaking one of my favorite comic strips into a movie!!!! garfield's one thing, but MARMADUKE?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!? what the HECK?????? it looks ok.... i guess..... but i'm not too fond of it so far, because
1)marmaduke was never a teenager
2) marmaduke NEVER TALKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3) go check marmaduke (the comic, not the movie) out! GO MY GERBILS! GO! GO! GOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
2 more days!
2 more days until valentines! i just watched the opening ceremony of the vancouver winter olympics! it was pretty cool. haha! invisi made a funny! cool.....heh......winter......heh.......snow.....heh....
Thursday, February 11, 2010
3 days until valentines!
p.s. remind me to tell u abowt victor borge... for those hu dnt no!
p.s. remind me to tell u abowt victor borge... for those hu dnt no!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
This is a post!
Fujimoto Kumiko
Nakamura Kumiko
Konno Nozomi
Nakamura Kazuko
Sugiura Asuka
Koizumi Kumiko
p.s. don't ask
Fujimoto Kumiko
Nakamura Kumiko
Konno Nozomi
Nakamura Kazuko
Sugiura Asuka
Koizumi Kumiko
p.s. don't ask
That was unpleasant...... I just saw a half naked guy... I swear, no pants, no underwear.... >_< yeah.....
Monday, February 8, 2010
Ne1 no ne jap. emocon? onli no a few an i 2 lazy 2 look 4 mre
...I ws makin up 1/2 of em
...I ws makin up 1/2 of em
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Lettuce summarize the superbowl partay @ sam's church in three words: oreos, rapping, and stalkers.
invisi out!
invisi out!
Invisigirl is busy trying to unravel washington's farewll address.. 4 HOMEWORK!!!
Saturday, February 6, 2010
we went 2 the salt lick w. mi family 2day 4 dinner! twrds the end of our meal, a very very VERY texan family went and sat infront of me... like, the guys all had a moustache or a moustache/beard combo. all of the guys had cowboy hats, were wearing jeans, flannel shirts, or a jean vest (even the little ones). every one of them wore cowboy boots, one of the girls had that insane, curly, super hairsprayed, big hair that all texan girls used to wear, and she had a buttondown shirt, BIG belt, jeans, and boots.... now just multiply all of this a couple of times and you got the family. ja-HEESH! i'm texan too, but not THAT texan... in truth, i was real happy 2 see it! :)
Friday, February 5, 2010
mi ni! (my knee)
so newaaaaaaay.... it wuz fascinating bcuz i hit a vein, and u no how blood is blue b4it gets oxygen? well thats what happened! the skin was all blu-ish, and my blood was an almost black purple! so cool! a morbid kinda way......
I cut my knee 2day! It was fascinating! Mor on this l8r!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Valentine's Day is in 10 days... The horror, the dread, the cupids!!!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
relatively happy
i haf figurededed out how i'ma going 2 do mi science project! ima going to cut out an eye from construction paper, and put the nuclear symbol in her pupil! it'll look coooooooooooool! that, and I MANAGED TO CONTACT MY BEST FRIEND FROM FOREVER 2DAY! sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy!
invisi out!
p.s. feed the invisifeesh!
invisi out!
p.s. feed the invisifeesh!
Monday, February 1, 2010
That hula hoop song...
i just want a huuuuuula hoooooop!
yes... SOMEONE got that stuck in my head!
you know who u are...
it failed...
okaaaaaaaaaaaaay... so the weird hindu clown failed... looked so much better on mi phone... *sighs* AND SPEAKING OF PHONES! *abruptly changes mood* A PERSON NAMED SAM P. HAS AS-KED ME A QUESTION ABOUT THEM! AND! THE ANSWER IS!!! there's a little button on your dashboard next to your blog list and it is in the shape of a cell phone... follow it and u can post 2 ur blog! (text message rates apply)
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